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Tradition+ Cheese Table

from £149.00

Feeding 50,75 or 100 people, Tradition+ is a cheese table based on a foundation of crowd-pleasing firm favourites - with the addition of just a few quirky extras to keep your guests interested!

The core cheeses are cheddar, blue and brie are - in the very reliable forms of Quicke's Cheddar, Cornish Blue and Cricket St Thomas Brie. To that we add a modern National Treasure: mellow, beautiful, nettle-covered Yarg.

So what's the 'plus'? Four or six (depending which you version you choose) small alternative soft cheeses - each one different - which will add to the gaity of the occasion with their varied shapes, colours and of course flavours.

For full details see the 'about' tab below.

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Tradition+ Cheese Table

The 50 version has about 4.6kg cheese

The 75 version has about 7.2kg cheese

The 100 version has about 9.3kg cheese

The four 'Traditional' cheeses:

Quicke's Mature Cheddar: classic Westcountry clothbound cheddar made just outside Exeter in the famous Quicke's family dairy.

Cornish Blue: At the soft end of hard blues, this is just one of our favourites. A past winner of the 'Supreme Champion' accolade at the World Cheese Awards.

Cricket St Thomas Brie: Creamy, with a mild, fresh flavour. Made in (where else?) Cricket St Thomas, Somerset. Vegetarian, pasteurised.

Yarg: If we're honest this is not strictly traditional - but it has become something of a national treasure

since it was introduced in the 1980s. A beautiful mellow favourite which looks great in its coat of nettles.

'Plus' a few unusual extras:

The 'plus' bit of Tradition+ is the 4-6 soft cheeses we add to the above. They're all non-brie types which will just add something excitingly different to what's on offer. As well as tasting great they will look great on your cheese table.

The 50 version features: Driftwood, Solstice, Helford Sunrise and either Parke, Pepperdon or Drogo.

The 75 version has: Pavé Cobble, Solstice, Eve, Helford Sunrise and either Parke, Pepperdon or Drogo.

The 100 version is as per the 75 but with the addition of Driftwood.